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About Us
Community Pastor - Rev Michelle Pratt

Michelle joined the Thorpe family in November 2022.
She is an ordained Community Pastor and a qualified Youth and Community Worker with over 20 years of experience in professional youth work,
schools work and church ministry.
Michelle is married to Ben.
They have four children between the ages of 10 and 19.

Doff Andrews

Our Deacons
Derek Carpenter
Stephanie Blackman

Gillian Howard

Pauline Pattinson
Our Mission
Worship God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Make and Grow Disciples for Jesus Christ
Serve our Community
Our Values
PRAYER: recognising our dependence upon God and seek to be led by the Holy Spirit
FAITHFULNESS to biblical truth: seeking to ensure that God's work is taught, heard and obeyed
HUMILITY: striving to maintain unity and to be a fellowship based on God's love for us and our love for each other
SERVICE: seeking to serve both those within the church and those in the community
EVANGELISM: committing to making Christ known and building disciples of Jesus Christ
GENEROSITY: worshipping God through giving, using our time, money, energy and resources in his service
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